How we Started

Home Churches were started by God throughout time as the Scriptures share with us and have never ceased to exist. He established the home as the place for deep intimacy with Him and each other - as family and friends. Man created different designs through history to take the place of intimacy with God and each other that He desires for us to walk in and experience. Life is filled with battles and it is easy to fight them by ourselves rather than focusing on God speaking His power into us and allowing us to help each other stay focused on Him. It is solely a place to really live out our faith in Him and deeply loving and supporting each other, not just in words, but by sharing life. We are all learning from Him and each other as we try to hear Him speak through the Scriptures by His Spirit to and through each of us.


All who walk with God deeply get to hear the Spirit’s voice through the Scriptures. Instead of raising up one man, or woman, to have an intimate walk with Him and telling us what He thinks, we all get to hear His Spirit and help each other understand what He says. We value each person and their journey into Him and His Word, understanding His truth and grace.

What's next?

Our hope is simply to be there for each other, whether it is within each Home Church, or Home Churches with each other. Let’s journey TOGETHER as we simply try to hear, obey, and glorify Him.